CLI is knowen as early as 1964 (MIT Computation Center staff member Louis Pouzin developed the RUNCOM tool – according to wiki) most cli tools didn’t change much since. But there is modern alternatives to most used ones.
- htop
- Replacement for
. - btop
- A monitor of resources. Made with TUI.
- exa
- Replacement for
with more functions. - bat
- Replacement for
. - lnav
- Log viewer with search and syntax highlight.
- tailspin
- Log files highlighter. Like lnav but work out of the box with most of the logs.
- Replacement for
. - theFuck
- The Fuck is a magnificent app, inspired by a @liamosaur tweet, that corrects errors in previous console commands.
- oh-my-zsh
- Oh My Zsh is an open source, community-driven framework for managing your Zsh configuration.
- doom-emacs
- Emacs with human… vim face.
- fx
- Terminal JSON viewer.
- jq
- jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor.
- fd
- A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to
. - tldr
- The tldr pages are a community effort to simplify the beloved man pages with practical examples.
- navi
- An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line.
- broot
- Get an overview of a directory, even a big one.
- fzf
- fzf is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder.
- autojump
- Autojump is a faster way to navigate your filesystem. It works by maintaining a database of the directories you use the most from the command line.
- glow
- Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz!
- lazydocker
- The lazier way to manage everything docker.
- lazygit
- The lazier git…
- lazyvim
- The LazyNeoVim. Like DoomEmacs but faster. Still getting into, as of now not ready to replace it.
- gitui
- Terminal UI (cli) for git.
- dust
- Simple du with ui. Works out of the box!
- zellij
- tmux/screen with more vim friendly ui.
- catppuccin
- 😸 Soothing pastel theme for the high-spirited! Set it into all my linux env (nvim, emacs, kde, sublime_text, …).